Thursday, March 31, 2022

Coinbase and Fidelity International Quantitative trading

I had a Friend at work turn me onto a investment opportunity through a joint project between Coinbase and Fidelity International. Fidelity AI Quantitative Trading. I was skeptical at first trying to find the scam in it, but i didn't. One of the reasons for this post is to see if Reddit can find Why I shouldn't go in heavy on this. The other reason is so far it seems to good to be true and why not spread it around and give everyone a solid investment platform for Crypto. My experience has been a positive one, pledged $485 of Tether and have returned 61.71 in 13 days on a 15 day pledge period. 12.7% return so far, my initial pledge amount has never changed.​What I don't like is it feels like a pyramid scheme because the people who get you to sign up earn some small bonuses. That being said if you don't get invited and get an access code you can't participate. It is a new project and is not open to public access. If I can make 10% in 2 weeks time consistently though I will get over it.Some Little tidbits of info I have had to answer with my friends who I have asked to look into. Fidelity International is not Fidelity investments in the US. If you do a google search and look on their homepage it will tell you it is a separate company that spun off of Fidelity Investments to serve their international customers. Coinhub AI was bought by Fidelity International. Fidelity Investments in the US is not involved at this time( I hope they can eventually be because they are one of the brokers I use).​I debated on trying to explain how it works but there are a few Youtube videos out there already. is the intro video if you look at the page you can watch the rest at your discretion. A news article about what it is. it is something you want to look into further You need to have a coinbase wallet and put into your browser. I recommend making it a bookmark for easy access from your wallet.http:app.fidelityquantitative.comYou will need an invite code here is mine: aux57rc9It takes tether to pledge and there is a one time ethereum gas fee to get going. The first time I put the code in I was denied and had to close out my wallet and do it again. You will need a minimum of $100 to pledge and you will get your own invite code.I found the site fairly easy to use and understand, Choose your pledge length and wait about 12 hours and you should get some rewards. click on the Gain tab at the bottom and you should have some spinning discs which are your earnings. Just tap on them and they go to your treasure box and are your gains. Under the Share tab is the web address and your invite code at the top of the screen. There is a help tab and an online tab also. Help is frequently asked questions and info tab while online is customer support.​Lastly this is not Financial Advice. I have found some Reddit communities are remarkably talented at finding faults or verifying the validity of tools such as this, and why not try a community that probably already has coinbase wallets.​Thanks look forward to what everyone finds out via /r/CoinbaseInvestors

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