Monday, February 17, 2025

[EthTrader Contest] Round 147 (1) Red Light, Green Light

EthTrader Contest Round 147 #1 – Red Light, Green LightThe price of Ethereum, according to Coingecko, will be checked at each day 12:00pm UTC, commencing the 21st of February, until the 28th of January. That's 7 price checks.If the previous 24 hours shows a decrease in price, that is a Red Light.If the previous 24 hours shows an increase in price, that is a Green light.Contestants will predict if it is a Red Light or Green Light.Incorrect guesses will result in elimination.The user who survives the longest will be deemed the winner.Should the last remaining users be eliminated in the same round, a tie-break will determine the winner based on closest Ethereum Price prediction as of 12pm UTC, 28th of FebruaryUsers are permitted 1 entry only.Entries close February 20th, 12:00pm UTC* Should the winner survive all 7 legs of the game, the prize pool will be DOUBLED!Updates will be provided in the Daily Discussion posts approx 12pm UTCEntry Format - Use dot point formatting or separate lines for each guess, the 8th guess is your Ethereum price prediction in USD.Red lightGreen lightRed lightGreen lightRed lightRed lightGreen light$3069.69Prize Pool.1st - 2500 DONUT/CONTRIB winner takes all * (5000 if conditions are met)GLTA!!!This post is related to ETIP - 88 as part of the Official EthTrader Contests. Official EthTrader Contests are funded by the community treasury, and currently budgeted to award up to 25k DONUT & CONTRIB per round. The Contest Master reserves the right to adjudicate and amend rules and criteria of contests as deemed necessary. Users must be registered and not banned to be eligible for DAO rewards. via /r/ethtrader

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