Please help me understand best practice.I create my first web3 app:https://ift.tt/AGjLXCd customer can enter any ehtereum adress, choise period and receive list of transaction and summary for the period.Now i use free api from etherscan and vps 5$/month.Also i use moralis api to get historical eth price, becouse this endpoint not awilable in etherscan for free. I don't use even any local database.So i have flow:- customer press button- my server request data via api at etherscan and render page.Simple. But it pretty slow even at 100 transactions. And i need to call 3 differend andpoints at etherscan to collect all 3 differend type of the transactions. And then call moralis api for eth price. I'd like to make it faster, and try to understand how. And how much i need to pay for this.Now i see two options:- Find api provider that just give me same data as etherscan but faster.So i try to find api provider with graphQL support, it should mare resposne less, and speed will grow.- Set up local postgress and put inside in all ethereum tharsactions, only fields that i realy need. How to feed data in my local postgres? I can setup my full node or use some external service, but before go this way i'd like tes several api providers. How much disk space i realy need for this? For node and for the database of such size. I don't know, but looks like it huge.Please give me advice: how to make my aplication faster, and keep may expences lower (i ready spend ~100-200$ per month for infrasturucture) via /r/ethdev https://ift.tt/RdLGTzD
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