Saturday, October 15, 2022

Deployment of smart contracts: Transactions get lost on TestNet (chainID 9000)

I deployed a bunch of SmartContracts with Hardhat Deploy on EVMOS Testnet (chainID 9000), in number: 6 contracts.The deployment went successfully through and gave mea) transaction hashesb) the addresses of deployed contracts.I use the same code-base for deployments on Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, Avalanche and Moonbeam respective their test nets.However, only the very first deployed Contract is visible in Blockexplorer and the corresponding transaction. All the others are not visible nor can they get found (even 1 hour later).When I navigate to the Deployer-Account-Address in BlockExplorer, it shows a button "6 transactions", but only the first transaction will be listed.Am I too early with testing or is it something that should actually work? via /r/EVMOS

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